Healthy eating as you age

Healthy eating is important for healthy aging. Eating well can help prevent or slow the progression of chronic disease and helps you maintain your independence. Choosing healthy foods gives you the energy you need to do the things you love.

Eating well and being active can help you stay healthy and strong as you age. Eating a variety of nutritious foods and beverages each day helps to:

  • Keep your bones and muscles strong
  • Build a healthy immune system
  • Prevent chronic disease and illness
  • Manage health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes

Healthy eating is about the foods you eat and more. It’s about preparing and enjoying food with others, sharing food traditions and eating mindfully. Mindful eating includes taking time to eat and being aware of when you are hungry and full. Being mindful can help you make healthier choices more often.

Canada’s Food Guide

As you age, you face different changes that may make healthy eating seem more challenging. You may not feel as hungry or interested in food

  • Changes to your body may decrease your sense of taste or smell, or make it more difficult to chew or swallow. You might find it more difficult to get to the grocery store or prepare food
  • Changes in lifestyle means you may have less income,eat alone more often, and live in a different home with an unusual or shared kitchen
  • Changes to your health may require medication that has side effects on taste and appetite

Read more about healthy eating, drinking and cooking habits.

Eating, chewing and swallowing difficulties can occur in people of any age, but they are more common in older people. These difficulties can start because of normal aging, medications, dental problems or medical treatments like surgery. They can also start because of health conditions like dementia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

The Healthy Eating for Seniors handbook

The Healthy Eating for Seniors handbook includes recipes, menu plans, and information on good nutrition. The handbook is available in English and French and has also been culturally adapted and translated into Chinese and Punjabi.